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Essentials of Mental Health

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Course Information

st georges

Why join the course?

Mental health is a core healthcare priority and an area which has seen significant changes in service provision and increased demand.  This module prepares health and social care professionals with advanced knowledge of the biopsychosocial contexts of mental health and equips practitioners with skills and capabilities to make informed clinical decisions surrounding the enhanced assessment, evaluation and management of people living with mental health conditions.  It also aims to enhance understanding and attitudes towards mental health and actualise the aspirational ‘parity of esteem’.


It is suitable for healthcare professionals working in out of hospital environments.  

Course Code

Essentials of Mental Health

Course Leader

Dr Katie Pavoni
Course Description

This module will prepare healthcare practitioners to meet the capabilities outlined under the four pillars emphasised in the Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) Framework (NHS England, 2017). This module aims to increase practitioner confidence and knowledge in the advanced identification, assessment and management of people with mental health conditions. 

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