MedicineMedicineInterprofessional Diabetes Course for Healthcare ProfessionalsDescriptionSynopsis and aims: Nationally, there is a drive on redesigning diabetes services towards a singular pathway across the primary/secondary care interface. NHS England has identified professional education as an essential factor in the modernisation of diabetes services and has provided funding to support the training of health professionals in diabetes care. The prime aim of this programme is to provide practitioners from different specialities with the knowledge and competencies to manage, maintain, treat and/or transfer patients with diabetes to the appropriate tier of care. The outcomes will include improved personal confidence, more effective referral in the tiered structure of diabetes care, appropriate collaboration and engagement with the specialist team(s) and intelligent use of new therapies. On successful completion of the course students will be provided with a transcript and CPD will be sought by the Royal College of Physicians. You will also need to complete a booking form, which can be found here
Intro to Principles of Pre-Hospital CareDescriptionWhy join the course?This course aims to develop your ability to apply your clinical reasoning experience in a challenging and resource limited environment. No previous experience of working in the prehospital care setting is required. A team of experienced doctors and paramedics will deliver a mixture of teaching and simulation to achieve the learning outcomes of the course. You will be encouraged to undertake an elective observation day in a prehospital care system and share your experience as part of the module. Please note that the simulation element of this course may require you to physically manipulate equipment in unfamiliar surroundings. The elective element may require you to attend events or emergencies in the prehospital setting. A learning portfolio will be required to be completed and submitted in order for each student to successfully pass the course. AudienceHospital doctors aspiring to apply for a role in a prehospital care system.
Joint and Soft Tissue Injection Therapy ModuleDescriptionWhy join this course?The module is aimed at healthcare professionals who are involved in the management of musculoskeletal conditions and aim to use joint and soft-tissue injections as part of their clinical practice. The module delivers the skills and knowledge required for practitioners to competently undertake joint and soft tissue injections as part of their clinical practice, and critically appraise the role of injection therapy in the management of complex musculoskeletal scenarios. This will allow practitioners to advance their practice as independent injectors and develop their roles within clinical and private practice.
AudienceThis credit bearing module is suited to physiotherapists, doctors, GPs, nurses, podiatrists, hand therapists, paramedics and orthopaedic, rheumatology, SEM trainees.
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St George's, University of London
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE
020 8672 9944
General enquiries
St George's, University of London
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE
020 8672 9944

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