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Tips for Teaching in a Busy GP Clinic


Course Information

Primary Care Education

Wednesday 20th November (13.30 – 15.00), online 

MS TeamsFurther information and joining links will be sent prior to the event.

This 90-minute interactive online course is designed to explore some of the challenges you may face as a clinical teacher during a busy GP clinic and provide practical guidance based on educational theory to help you deliver meaningful educational experiences for your students

Course Code

Primary Care (1)

Course Leader

Dr Emma Metters
Course Description

The course will include small group interaction and practical application linked to hosting and teaching St George’s students on placements.


The course will be delivered by members of the Faculty Development and St George’s Primary Care teaching teams 


The course is free to attend and open to all GPs teaching in a community or primary care setting  


Certificates of attendance, with CPD accreditation, will be sent following completion of the course

StartEndCourse Fee 
Tips for Teaching in a Busy GP Clinic
20/11/202420/11/2024[Read More]

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